Welcome to the Barker House Concerts
Home Page

Our website is moving to a new host and operating software. So please bear with us as we are dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th century (not even going to try the 21st).
Unfortunately, concerts at my home are on “hold” until the winter storm debris can be removed from the street. At present, there isn’t a parking place within a quarter mile that doesn’t have brush stacked on it. That’s a long way to carry a hotdish or batch of cookies!! I do have the ability to host Sunday evening concerts at my American Legion building, so all is not totally dark on the horizon.
If you are interested in being on the mailing list for future concerts, please drop a note to pbarker78746 at gmail.com.
For those of you who have supported the house concert series I have been honored to host for the last 25 years, a heartfelt Thank You!
Check back for further updates as I crawl up the WordPress learning curve.
Paul B.
“…just a wave, not the water….”